Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Horrible, horrible

I have this ungodly way of not posting anything for a very, very long time. And for that I apologize. I really do have a lot to say, and I don't know why I don't update this thing more. Anyway, newness: I dropped out of Brooks and will be attending Academy of Art in about 30 days. SUPER excited; I'll be majoring in Multimedia Communications which is exactly what it sounds like. Also known as everything I have ever wanted to do. I've meet some amazing people so far (MEEM!) and seriously cannot wait for school to start. I haven't felt like this since my senior year of high school when I was Editor in Chief of the paper. Also a very exciting time, I might add.

Anyway, anyway, anyway, currently I work for the Daniel Pearl Foundation designing newsletters, pamphlets, invitations, etc. (Shown above.)  Doesn't sound like a lot but it really is. I've missed InDesign so much.  And PhotoShop, too for that matter.  I haven't taken a single picture since leaving Brooks almost three months ago, and that's not good.  My camera needs some lovin'.

Besides that, not much else is happening.  I'm enjoying spending time with my family and friends before I move away.  Shannon and I have composed a list of things the two of us must do together before I leave, Hayley and I see each other any time we possibly can, and Gabby (my smoking buddy) and I hang out all the time, too.  Whilst driving baked.  BAKE'N'ROLL!  Anyway, that is all I have to say at the moment.  Hopefully I will update this thing more often, though I say that every time and I never do.
