Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And all we ever wanted...

So, I'm quite aware that I haven't blogged in a while, and don't get me wrong, I've thought about it. My blog is like my therapy, you know? And I've actually had a lot that I've wanted to write about. Silly me. Well, here I am now, so let's get to it.

Before I came to AAU, I was at Brooks Institute of Photography, right? Right. If you know me at all, you will know that. Brooks just wasn't right for me, so I came here. First semester was amazing. AMAZING. I had so much fun, learned a lot, and genuinely appreciated my teachers. This semester? Not so much. The teachers are just there for self promotion. I don't know HOW many times I have been to this one class and my teacher says, "Well, on my charity site we do this..." or "When I was on the news..." Bitch, you're not on the news anymore, so stfu. I'm sorry. I know that's immature, but all this man has taught me in the 14-some-odd weeks of me being in his class is that using a tripod is professional. No shit.

School has never been my thing. Ever. I know what I want to do and I know what I have to do to get it done, but school...? School just isn't my game. I know it "prepares you for life," but I would rather prepare myself by actually getting a real job and learning on my own. I'm smart. I can do it on my own. So, moral of that rant, I'm thinking of maybe leaving AAU after the semester is over and moving back to LA, getting a job, and getting my own place. Leave the school scene for a while, pay off some debt, get a job, and just live. Live my life. Try to live my life. The parentals won't be too pleased to here this... But I wouldn't be too please if my oldest child decided to quit college. To them, it's giving up. To me, it's learning how to be a mature and responsible adult. On my own. So we'll see how that goes.

One thing that has been going well, however, is my relationships with other people. I am absolutely a giving person. I pay for people, I listen to people's issues, I try to help people as best as I can. And I love that. I feel like there aren't enough genuinely nice people in the world, and I'm glad I have a handful of people in my life who will always have my back.

My boyfriend is amazing. He's my best friend, my rock, my punching bag... And even though I'm a little bitch sometimes and throw retarded hissy fits, he still loves me. He looks me in the eyes when he talks to me, he respects me, and he appreciates all that I do for him and others. I have never felt more special, more safe, or more loved by any man I have ever been with. I will definately cherish this relationship for the rest of my life.

On that note, I think I'll be off now. Thanks for reading, guys.


now playing - down the line by jose gonzalez